
Our dedicated staff are here to provide support, compassion, and information to help you through your journey of grief and the celebration of your loved one’s life.

Fannie B. Powers President / Funeral Directress

Deltricia A. Hillard Funeral Directress

Deltricia Anita Hilliard (Del), as she is affectionately known, is the daughter of the late Theodore Roosevelt and Evelyn Williams Hilliard. She never thought she would be assisting in fulfilling her father’s legacy and dream. She serves as a funeral directress who strives to meet the needs of those she serves with compassion and love. She is a member of the Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church. Del received her funeral director diploma from Fayetteville Community College. She is a licensed funeral directress, insurance agent and notary public.

Kevin T. Brinkley Funeral Director

Graduate of Fayetteville Technical Community College in May 2012 with a North Carolina Funeral Directors Diploma in Funeral Service Education.

Gloria Richardson (In Loving Memory) Funeral Directress

Gloria Richardson is the daughter of the late Clinton (Pat) and Inez Hilliard Scott. She is married to Donald Richardson and they have one daughter, Monique. Gloria, the niece of Roosevelt, has been employed at the firm for 32 years.Gloria is a graduated of John Dewey High School, Brooklyn, NY; a 1978 graduated of Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC. Gloria serves families with passion and care. She enjoys working in her yard with her flowers. She is a member of Daniels Chapel Baptist Church, Enfield NC.

Mark A. Barfield Funeral Attendant

Mark A. Barfield, Minister on Staff, is a graduate of Elizabeth City State University (BA), Eastern Carolina Christian College & Seminary(MDiv), and North Carolina State University(MSA). He enjoys working with the public; he assists wherever needed. He is married to Ella Hamiel and they have two sons: Desmond and Markus.

Todd Staton Funeral Attendant

Fannie B. Powers

President / Funeral Directress

Deltricia A. Hillard

Funeral Directress

Deltricia Anita Hilliard (Del), as she is affectionately known, is the daughter of the late Theodore Roosevelt and Evelyn Williams Hilliard. She never thought she would be assisting in fulfilling her father’s legacy and dream. She serves as a funeral directress who strives to meet the needs of those she serves with compassion and love. She is a member of the Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church. Del received her funeral director diploma from Fayetteville Community College. She is a licensed funeral directress, insurance agent and notary public.

Kevin T. Brinkley

Funeral Director

Graduate of Fayetteville Technical Community College in May 2012 with a North Carolina Funeral Directors Diploma in Funeral Service Education.

Gloria Richardson (In Loving Memory)

Funeral Directress

Gloria Richardson is the daughter of the late Clinton (Pat) and Inez Hilliard Scott. She is married to Donald Richardson and they have one daughter, Monique. Gloria, the niece of Roosevelt, has been employed at the firm for 32 years.Gloria is a graduated of John Dewey High School, Brooklyn, NY; a 1978 graduated of Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, NC. Gloria serves families with passion and care. She enjoys working in her yard with her flowers. She is a member of Daniels Chapel Baptist Church, Enfield NC.

Mark A. Barfield

Funeral Attendant

Mark A. Barfield, Minister on Staff, is a graduate of Elizabeth City State University (BA), Eastern Carolina Christian College & Seminary(MDiv), and North Carolina State University(MSA). He enjoys working with the public; he assists wherever needed. He is married to Ella Hamiel and they have two sons: Desmond and Markus.

Todd Staton

Funeral Attendant